Vitality 101 Newsletter

Published: June 8, 2016

8 Ways to Slash the Price of Your Meds

Hello Reader,

Many of you have experienced the sticker shock of filling a prescription, especially if you don’t have prescription insurance. Unlike the price of most goods and services in a free market economy, which are kept in check by competition and other free market forces, the price of medications has been skyrocketing because of the lack of these controls. So where most goods sell for twice their wholesale cost and four times their cost of production, medications are often priced at 64,000% the cost of their production!

Moreover, the price of the exact same pill can vary by over 1,000% from one drugstore to another. And adding insult to injury, if you don't have health insurance you often pay 5 to 10 times what an insurance company would pay, as they pay a negotiated lower rate.

So if you don’t have insurance, and even if you do, you may walk out of the drugstore feeling, well, financially wiped. Unless you know these tricks!

Read these 8 ways to slash the price of your meds »

Love & blessings,

Dr. T

From Dr. T, Can I Ask a Favour of You?

Please Vote for My Daughter :-)

Please consider voting for my daughter, the up-and-coming and very gifted Berlin artist Brittany Gould, in the prestigious ETSY Art Competition. She is now one of the finalists, and in this stage of the competition, the contest encourages people to get the public to vote. So I’d really appreciate your hitting the “Vote for Brittany” button below. (It'll bring up a page where you can login using your Facebook login and then you just need to click the orange "Vote" button on that page.) Thanks!

Brittany Gould Sculpture

Learn more about Brittany and her art »

Consultations With Dr. T

Consultations With Dr. T
I treat people with CFS and fibromyalgia all over the world by providing consultations over the phone or in person, with a comprehensive "new patient" consultation session including four hours of one-on-one time with me. During this initial session, I'll review your medical lab records, thoroughly discuss the experiences you've had with this illness, answer all of your questions, and recommended a detailed treatment protocol for your case. Learn more »

This Week's Specials

Probiotic Pearls Elite™

Probiotic Pearls Elite
See Item

When taken daily, probiotic pearls promotes regularity, relieves occasional gas, constipation and bloating, and boosts your body's natural defenses. Pearls Elite™ high-potency probiotics delivers 5 billion probiotics with a much greater survival rate than those in competing products. You'd need 30 gallons of yogurt to get the benefits of just one pearl!*

plus FREE shipping in US (MSRP $29.95)

Vectomega® (60 Count)

Vectomega (60 Count)
See Item

Up to 50 Times More Effective Than Fish Oils*

Vectomega® is a revolutionary form of Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon. It is not a fish oil! Instead, the beneficial Omega-3s are bound to phospholipids that are more effectively absorbed than fish oil triglycerides. This means you only need to take one tablet a day to support heart and brain health!*

plus FREE shipping in US (MSRP $45.95)

Funny Stuff

Funny Stuff

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD

is one of the world's leading integrative medical authorities on fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. He is the lead author of eight research studies on their effective treatments, and has published numerous health & wellness books, including the bestseller on fibromyalgia From Fatigued to Fantastic! and The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution. Dr. Teitelbaum is one of the most frequently quoted fibromyalgia experts in the world and appears often as a guest on news and talk shows nationwide including Good Morning America, The Dr. Oz Show, Oprah & Friends, CNN, and Fox News Health.

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