Got Fibromyalgia? Get Great Sleep — Naturally!

Published: March 20, 2017

Vitality101 Newsletter

Hello Reader,

Wouldn't you love to get 8-9 hours of solid sleep a night? When I ask that question to people with fibromyalgia, most answer "But that's impossible!"

Having successfully treated thousands of people with fibromyalgia, I can tell you for a fact that it IS possible to regularly get eight hours of solid sleep a night. And it's amazing how much better you'll feel when you do.

I spent the last six months traveling over 100,000 miles for speaking engagements (getting information out about fibromyalgia is a lot of work! :-). I appreciate your understanding while I've taken some time off from writing. Happily, I am now getting back to continuing my newsletter series on "Recovering from Fibromyalgia." In my next several newsletters I'll delve more deeply into optimizing sleep. This week I'll focus on new treatments for optimizing sleep — naturally.

BTW, I invite you to join me in a free online webinar on sleep I'm giving this Thursday, March 23. After speaking, I'm going to open the lines to take questions from listeners (see more information on this below). You can register here.

Essential Oils for Better Sleep

Essential oils add a whole new dimension to natural therapies. A particularly outstanding combination of oils that work well with other treatments I've recommended in the past is a mix that includes ravensara, lemon balm, lavender and mandarin. You can find this combination in a product called Terrific Zzzz™. And, as is the case with most natural remedies, it's not only highly effective, but also offers side benefits rather than side effects — including reduced pain, improved calming, and sharper mental clarity.

Let's take a look at this mix, and other natural remedies that work well in combination with it.

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PACE Gets It Wrong on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

I applaud the NY Times for running a timely Op-Ed on the PACE trial that wrongly concluded that CFS patients should be treated with psychotherapy.

The problem is not that these critically ill people are being offered counseling and conditioning exercises. These can be helpful for many with severe illnesses, such as crippling cancer, multiple sclerosis, heart failure, and any severe medical condition. That is, when the persons themselves feel they need it.

The crime is that some are using this research to imply that CFS & fibromyalgia are psychological and not physical disorders, and using it to deny crippled people (75% women) the option to get the healthcare they need, and even the disability insurance benefits they deserve and paid for. All the while ignoring countless studies showing these to be very real and devastating physical conditions.

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Free Webinar by Dr. T: You Can Get a Great Night's Sleep — No Matter What!

Getting Restful Sleep

When: Thursday March 23, 3-4 pm EST. Register here.

It may surprise you to learn that the average night's sleep throughout most of human history had been nine hours. We're now down to just 6.75 hours, which is a 30% "pay cut" to our body! Sleep deprivation is linked to many serious diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, hypertension, and depression, to name just a few. Poor sleep is also associated with an average weight gain of 6.5 lbs and 30% increased risk of obesity. Did you know that our bodies enter repair and rebuild mode only when we reach deeper levels of sleep, and that interruption of this natural cycle can slow the healing of injuries and create chronic pain syndromes? Sleep is also when we make human growth hormone (HGH), sometimes called the "Fountain of Youth" hormone. Poor sleep = reduced production of HGH = accelerated aging! Sleep is one of the most critically important activities necessary for health, disease resistance, and longevity. Yet we are in the midst of an epidemic of troubled, unhealthy sleep disturbances that are just the tip of the iceberg.

In this free webinar, I'll discuss the causes of common sleep problems and how you can sleep like a baby — naturally! I hope you can join us.

This Week's Specials

Terrific Zzzz™

The gentle combination of herbs in Terrific Zzzz™ supports a healthy, restful sleep so you wake refreshed. It's also non-habit forming and leaves you without any morning grogginess.*

$21.56 plus FREE shipping in U.S. (MSRP $26.95)

Fatigued to Fantastic! Revitalizing Sleep Formula

The Revitalizing Sleep Formula is a mix of six powerful, yet gentle, sleep herbs that will help you fall asleep faster and maintain a healthy sleep cycle — without feeling groggy the next day. It helps your body recuperate while you sleep so you experience less fatigue. It can help relax your muscles, decreasing pain from muscle overuse, and can also help decrease anxiety during the day.*

$22.21 plus FREE shipping in U.S. (MSRP $34.50)

Consultations With Dr. T

I treat people with CFS and fibromyalgia all over the world by providing consultations over the phone or in person, with a comprehensive "new patient" consultation session including four hours of one-on-one time with me. During this initial session, I'll review your medical lab records, thoroughly discuss the experiences you've had with this illness, answer all of your questions, and recommended a detailed treatment protocol for your case.

Learn more »

Optical Illusion

Optical Illusion

Block A and block B above are actually the same color. Don't believe it? Place two fingers horizontally over the shadowed areas of the blocks so that only the non-shadowed parts of the blocks are shown. Wow, right? This illusion happens because the misleading light and dark shadows trick your brain into thinking the colors are different.

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD

is one of the world's leading integrative medical authorities on fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. He is the lead author of eight research studies on their effective treatments, and has published numerous health & wellness books, including the bestseller on fibromyalgia From Fatigued to Fantastic! and The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution. Dr. Teitelbaum is one of the most frequently quoted fibromyalgia experts in the world and appears often as a guest on news and talk shows nationwide including Good Morning America, The Dr. Oz Show, Oprah & Friends, CNN, and Fox News Health.

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