U.S. Response to COVID-19 Linked to Mental Health Problems in 40% of Americans

Published: August 19, 2020

Vitality101 Newsletter

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Our current approach to COVID-19 is having unexpected consequences that must be considered when determining national and state policies. For example, a recent large study showed that 40% of Americans are having severe emotional problems, imho from our response to COVID-19. Studies show 31% are experiencing anxiety or depression, 26% have stress disorder, and the number of people expressing suicidal feelings has more than doubled.

With 48,000 suicides committed in the U.S. in 2018, this study suggests we could see an additional 24,000 suicides this year alone — a prediction driven not only by the pandemic itself, but most likely exacerbated by the mandated lockdowns and the 24/7 domination of coronavirus coverage in news media. I suspect much of this angst could be prevented by simply taking a few minutes to set up common sense safety precautions, and then shifting your focus away from the virus.

Invitation to the Free "The Fibro Summit"

The Fibro Summit

WHEN: September 28 through October 4

Fibromyalgia often has a long list of common symptoms, including chronic fatigue, widespread pain, brain fog, poor sleep, low moods, IBS and others. Treatment generally includes pain and symptom management, but conventional medicine and drug therapy alone are a dead end. There are simply too many symptoms, and alternative treatments aren't widely known.

But there are proven functional medical protocols that can help overcome your fibro symptoms. Learn how to overcome your fibro symptoms when you attend this complimentary, online event!

Better COVID-19 Outcomes with Pepcid® AC

A new study suggests the heartburn drug famotidine (Pepcid AC) may help COVID-19 patients. Another study found that taking Pepsid lowered the risk of death or need for ventilator by 58%.

The immune benefits of this family of medications, acid blockers, is something we have been discussing for decades. So it's not surprising to see a 73% lower death rate in people hospitalized with COVID-19 who take these. For example, for the last three decades we've found that people with acute mono recover far more quickly with medications in this family — specifically cimetidine, famotidine (Pepcid AC), and ranitidine (Zantac). These three acid blocker medications have profound immune effects and have even been studied in cancer treatment.

For those needing acid blocker medications, I recommend these three as opposed to PPIs (Proton Pump Inhibitors) such as omeprazole. The PPIs likely result in about 30,000 excess US deaths a year from a host of problems. They are also associated with an increased risk of dying from COVID-19. This isn't seen with Zantac or Pepcid. (Note that Pepcid is currently the better choice of the two, as recent batches of Zantac have contained contaminants.) It's likely best to begin taking this early in the illness. I do not recommend its use for prevention. Studies are looking at a relatively high dose of 80 mg three times a day, though it isn't clear that such high doses are needed.

Treating Post-COVID-19 Symptoms – Including Fatigue and Fibromyalgia

The symptoms of CFS and fibromyalgia can be caused by dozens of infections. Unfortunately, research suggests that COVID-19 is triggering persistent symptoms and debilitation in a large percentage of cases. People with these disabling aftereffects are being called "long haulers."

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There are 27 figures of speech depicted in this single photo. For example, "Cat's got your tongue." How many can you get?

27 Figures of Speech

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD

is one of the world's leading integrative medical authorities on fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. He is the lead author of eight research studies on their effective treatments, and has published numerous health & wellness books, including the bestseller on fibromyalgia From Fatigued to Fantastic! and The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution. Dr. Teitelbaum is one of the most frequently quoted fibromyalgia experts in the world and appears often as a guest on news and talk shows nationwide including Good Morning America, The Dr. Oz Show, Oprah & Friends, CNN, and Fox News Health.

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