In Fibromyalgia, Knowledge Is Power!

Published: October 25, 2021

Vitality101 Newsletter

Dr. T with His New Book

Hello Reader,

Let's begin with the good news. Research is clear that fibromyalgia, CFS, fatigue, and most kinds of pain are very treatable. The problem is that most physicians are simply not trained in any of these areas. So when your doctor says "I’m sorry there's nothing I can do for you," thank them for their honesty. And then go find someone who can. Even if that someone is YOU!

In this upcoming series, I'm going to show you how to get well, topic by topic, by applying the newest research and clinical experience, much of which you can do on your own. And for the other areas, finding a holistic physician can make all the difference.

So how do you start? As the title of this post says, "Knowledge Is Power!" There are lots of books on fatigue. But they generally take on only a piece of the larger puzzle, making the whole area quite confusing. On the other hand, creating complete solutions for the human energy crisis has been my key focus for the last 46 years, ever since post-viral CFS/FMS knocked me out of medical school and left me homeless.

I have a knack for taking complex issues and making them simple, followed by the simple steps needed to find your way forward to better health. By taking all that I've learned, simplifying it, and organizing it for you in the newest edition of my book From Fatigued to Fantastic! (Penguin/Avery 2021), I've now made this information easily available to you.

Got the green cover edition? Then you don't need this new one. But the new blue cover edition is dramatically updated over the older yellow and red cover editions.

Got brain fog and worried the book might be too overwhelming? I've also taken care of that for you in this new edition by adding a "Brain Fog Friendly Summary" to begin each section.

Change to Our Price Discount for Auto Ship

We regret to say that this past week we were forced to reduce the amount of discount we offer for Auto Ship in our store from 20% to 15%. We've had to take this action because of rising costs not only from our product manufacturers, but from USPS shipping as well. We've always worked hard to keep from passing costs onto our loyal customers, who we always appreciate, but at this point continued pricing at 20% discount with free shipping is beginning to result in actually losing money on some of our sales.

We believe this one-time adjustment will allow us to continue serving your needs with the best possible pricing we can offer. And it's fair to point out that even at 15% discount, EndFatigue still provides the most generous auto-ship discount you're likely to find anywhere.

Thank you for understanding. Love & Blessings,

Dr. T

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Podcast: Dr. T on New Strategies for Long Covid

Dr. T on New Strategies for Covid Long Hauler Syndrome

Dr. T appeared recently on Health Professional Radio to discuss his new edition of the bestseller From Fatigued To Fantastic!, and the strategies it provides for dealing with Long-Hauler Syndrome.

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Your Brain Is "Making Up" Most of What You See

Up to 90% of what you see is a hallucination created by your brain. It does this by predicting what it thinks you should be seeing and filling in the gaps into your vision to match what it predicts. Below is an example. The bottom half shows two images that are the same, just mirrored. Stare at the white dot between the red and green areas in the top half for 60 seconds. This will train your brain to think your field of vision on the left is covered by green light and your field of vision on the right is covered by red light. After the 60 seconds, look at the dot between the images. See the effect? Your brain predicted the green light still being on the left and red light on the right. So it included that expectation when you looked at the lower dot — you were seeing more with your brain adding visual information than you were with only your eyes. Your brain is "making things up" like this all the time.

Brain Hallucinating What You See

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD

is one of the world's leading integrative medical authorities on fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. He is the lead author of eight research studies on their effective treatments, and has published numerous health & wellness books, including the bestseller on fibromyalgia From Fatigued to Fantastic! and The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution. Dr. Teitelbaum is one of the most frequently quoted fibromyalgia experts in the world and appears often as a guest on news and talk shows nationwide including Good Morning America, The Dr. Oz Show, Oprah & Friends, CNN, and Fox News Health.

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