Got CFS/Fibromyalgia and Sensitive to Everything?

Published: October 3, 2022

Vitality101 Newsletter

Woman Sneezing

Hello Reader,

So many people with CFS and fibromyalgia are incredibly sensitive to any treatments. This makes figuring out how to treat them quite the challenge. So in this part 18 of my series "Fatigue & Fibromyalgia Are Optional," I'll discuss things you can do to begin:

BFF Summary

  1. Consider mast cell activation syndrome if what you are sensitive to varies from day-to-day. No testing is needed. It is better to try the treatments below and see if they help. They tend to be well tolerated and often work within a week or two. Give six weeks to see the full effect. So simply try the following:
    1. Quercetin: Available from any health-food store. Take 500 milligrams twice a day.
    2. Antihistamines: Can try loratadine (Claritin) or any over-the-counter, non-sedating oral antihistamine in the morning and diphenhydramine (Benadryl) at night
    3. Montelukast (prescription — Singulair): Take 10 milligrams at bedtime.
  2. When your computer goes on the fritz, the first thing tech support tells you to do is reboot. Simple techniques can help you hit the reset button on your brain and immune system. A simple acupressure technique called NAET can eliminate food and other sensitivities, rebooting your immune system. And another simple exercise can help you reboot your nervous system (vagal nerve). I also highly recommend the ANS Rewire by Dan Neuffer or the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS) by Annie Hopper, which you can do at home. Once you do either of these, you're much more likely to be able to tolerate other treatments, and you will feel dramatically better. I will discuss these in more detail in Part Four on the mind-body connection. These can be dramatically helpful with your sensitivities — and CFS/FMS symptoms in general.
  3. (continued...)

Join Me at the Upcoming Sleep Super Conference

The Sleep Super Conference

When: October 17th - 23rd, 2022

I'm excited to be taking part in this year's Sleep Super Conference. Together with 40+ internationally-renowned sleep and wellness experts, this free online event will take deep dives into many of the sleep topics important to anyone who's had issues with getting good sleep. Here's a quick overview of the daily themes and topics we'll be covering over the course of this week-long event (BTW, my talk with focus on sleep issues in CFS/FMS):

  • Day 1 - Understanding Sleep
  • Day 2 - Factors Disrupting Your Sleep
  • Day 3 - Getting Sleep Ready
  • Day 4 - Functional Medicine for Restoring Rest
  • Day 5 - Brain and Body
  • Day 6 - Nervous System Regulation  
  • Day 7 - Tools and Techniques for Great Sleep

Impact of Sleep on Weight Loss

Sleeping Woman

A JAMA study showed that in people sleeping 6 ½ hours or less nightly, counseling to increase sleep by two hours a night also resulted in an average two-pound weight loss after two weeks

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Jacob Teitelbaum, MD

is one of the world's leading integrative medical authorities on fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. He is the lead author of eight research studies on their effective treatments, and has published numerous health & wellness books, including the bestseller on fibromyalgia From Fatigued to Fantastic! and The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution. Dr. Teitelbaum is one of the most frequently quoted fibromyalgia experts in the world and appears often as a guest on news and talk shows nationwide including Good Morning America, The Dr. Oz Show, Oprah & Friends, CNN, and Fox News Health.

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