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From Fatigued to Fantastic!

Exciting News! The Vitamin Powder Is Back!

Many of you remember and miss the Energy Revitalization System™ vitamin powder. It was an incredibly powerful daily multivitamin powder drink mix that was hugely popular, and everyone who relied on it was terribly disappointed when the original makers discontinued it a couple of years ago.

Well I'm thrilled to announce that the best multivitamin in the world is back, and it's in a new and improved formula!

You Can Heal From Long COVID

NEW! You Can Heal From Long COVID

A Clinically Proven Program to Regain Your Health (Just Published June 2024!)

Long COVID patients are facing the same situation as patients with CFS and fibromyalgia faced decades ago. They’re being handed prescriptions for antidepressants, told to "get more rest," accused of "malingering," or dismissively told their symptoms are stress-related. And they’re being told that there aren’t any effective treatments for Long COVID.

As a physician who’s specialized in CFS, FMS, and all forms of post-viral fatigue, I’m here to tell you that there’s a clear, proven, and highly effective way to recover from Long COVID. And my newest book — co-authored by internationally recognized writer, award-winning patient advocate, and health coach, Mary Shomon — will show you exactly how.