QUIZ: Which Type of Sugar Addict Are YOU?
What is Your Sugar Addiction Type? Do The Quiz!
From Beat Sugar Addiction NOW! by Jacob Teitelbaum, MD
Type 1: Hooked on Energy “Loan Shark’ Drinks (Coffee, Red Bull)
When daily fatigue causes sugar (and caffeine) cravings, sometimes all you need is to improve nutrition, sleep and exercise. When your energy increases, you won’t need sugar and caffeine for an energy boost. Beat Sugar Addiction NOW! (or "BSAN") will teach you how to turbo charge your energy in an easy and healthy way.
Your total score for each quiz will tell you whether you fit that profile type.
Quiz for Type 1 Sugar Addicts
- Do you feel tired much of the time? (20 points)
- Do you need coffee to get jumpstarted in the morning? (10 points)
- What is the average number of ounces of caffeinated coffee or soda or “energy drinks” you drink daily? (Score 2 points for each ounce)
- Do you repeatedly crave sweets or caffeine to give you the energy to get through the day? (25 points)
- Are you gaining weight or having trouble losing weight? (Score 1 point for every two pounds gained over the past three years)
0-30: No problem. Skip to the next quiz.
31-50: The tips in chapter 6 of BSAN will help you restore your energy production.
Over 50: You are a sugar and caffeine junkie. Learn how to restore your energy production naturally, so you can cut back on sugar and still feel great.
Chapter 6 of BSAN will teach you how to optimize your energy — naturally!
Type 2: “Feed Me Now, or I’ll Kill You.” When Your Adrenal Stress Handler Glands Get Exhausted
The type 2 sugar addict is constantly reacting to stressful stimuli in the environment, which activates the adrenal glands to produce the stress-handler hormones cortisol and epinephrine (adrenaline). When your adrenals become overtaxed by the constant tension of modern life and don’t respond by giving you a kick of energy, you may reach for sugar to “pump them up.” But this effect is short-lived, followed by a drop in blood sugar known as "hypoglycemia." Starved of glucose (its food), your brain feels like it’s suffocating. You become anxious, jittery and light-headed. You need to eat now. You can’t wait. And if you don’t eat — preferably something sweet — the symptoms just get worse.
Quiz for Type 2 Sugar Addicts
- Are you very irritable when hungry? Do you get a “Feed me now or I’ll kill you” feeling? (35 points)
- Is life a crisis to you? (15 points)
- Do you enjoy the rush of energy you feel when you are in a crisis? (15 points)
- When you are stressed out, does your energy take a nosedive? (15 points)
- Do you sometimes get dizzy when you stand? (15 points)
- Do you have chronic severe exhaustion, chronic fatigue syndrome, or fibromyalgia, which followed an acute infection or an incident of extreme stress? (25 points)
0-24: You are probably a type B “low-key” person with healthy adrenals.
25-40: You are developing early stages of adrenal fatigue.
41-65: This suggests moderate adrenal exhaustion, and your body is crying out for help.
Over 65: You are suffering from severe adrenal exhaustion, and likely are feeling awful overall.
Chapter 7 of BSAN will teach you how to heal your stress-handling adrenal glands!
Type 3: “The Happy Twinkie Hunter.” When Gut Yeast/Candida Overgrowth Cause Sinusitis, Poor Digestion, and Fatigue
A type 3 sugar addict needs sugar fixes regularly. From morning to night, the type 3 sugar addict noshes on donuts, danish, cookies, cake, and other sweets. Without knowing it, however, when you feed yourself sugar, you are also feeding the yeast in your gut. No, we’re not talking about the type that you use to make bread rise. We’re talking Candida albicans, the type that grows in your digestive system from fermenting sugar and carbs. When yeast ferments hops to make beer, that’s a good thing. When it uses your gut as a fermentation tank, though, the result is pretty toxic. And it sends your sugar addiction spiraling out of control.
Quiz for Type 3 Sugar Addicts
- Do you have chronic nasal congestion or sinusitis? (50 points)
- Do you have spastic colon or irritable bowel syndrome (gas, bloating, diarrhea or constipation)? (50 points)
- Have you taken antibiotics for any type of infection for more than two consecutive months, or shorter courses more than three times in a twelve-month period? (20 points)
- Have you been prescribed antibiotic pills for acne for one month or longer? (50 points)
- Have you taken an antibiotic — even for a single course? (6 points)
- Do you have chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia? (50 points)
- Have you had prostatitis or chronic yeast vaginitis? (25 points)
- Have you taken corticosteroids, such as Prednisone, for over a month? (15 points)
- Are your symptoms worse on damp or humid days, or in moldy places? (10 points)
- Have you had a fungal infection, such as jock itch, athlete’s foot, or a nail or skin infection that was difficult to address? (20 points)
- Do you have postnasal drip or clear your throat a lot? (20 points)
- Do you crave sugar or breads? (20 points)
- Do you have food allergies? (20 points)
If your total is 70 or higher, you likely have a yeast/candida overgrowth. Chapter 8 of BSAN will teach you how to beat the “Yeastie Beasties.”
Type 4: Hormonal shifts — Depressed, Anxious, Peri-Menopausal, Andropause
Hormones are a critical part of your body’s communication and control system. For this reason, hormone deficiencies, or even imbalances, can wreak havoc with your physical and emotional well-being. If you have a deficiency of estrogen, progesterone, and/or testosterone (if you’re a woman) or testosterone (if you’re a man), you’re likely to crave sugar. That’s because when these hormone levels are low, you become sad, even depressed. You start craving sugar as your body tries to raise its level of serotonin, “the happiness molecule.” Anxiety can also occur from low progesterone, causing a drop in your body’s GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) or “natural Valium” levels.
Quiz for Type 4 Sugar Addiction
For Women:
PMS Related Issues
- Do you have a history of PMS (premenstrual syndrome)? (30 points, and skip questions 2-5)
- In the week before your period, do you have increased and severe irritability? (15 points)
- In the week before your period, do you have increased and severe anxiety? (15 points)
- In the week before your period, do you have increased and severe unhappiness or depression? (15 points)
- In the week before your period, do you have increased and severe bloating? (15 points)
If you scored 30 or higher, Chapter 9 of BSAN will teach you how to decrease your PMS.
Menopause or Perimenopause Related Issues
- Have you had a hysterectomy or ovarian surgery? (30 points)
- Do you have decreased vaginal lubrication? (25 points)
- Do you have decreased sex drive (libido)? (15 points)
- In the week before and around your period (or in general if you no longer have periods), do you experience noticeably worse insomnia? (15 points)
- In the week before and around your period (or in general if you no longer have periods), do you experience noticeably worse headaches? (15 points)
- In the week before and around your period (or in general if you no longer have periods), do you experience noticeably worse fatigue? (15 points)
- In the week before and around your period (or in general if you no longer have periods), do you experience noticeably worse hot flashes or sweats? (20 points)
If you scored 30 or higher you likely have symptoms from estrogen or progesterone deficiency; chapter 9 of BSAN will teach you how to address perimenopause and menopause.
Men (Over 45 Years of Age)
- Do you have decreased libido? (20 points)
- Do you have erectile dysfunction or decrease in erections? (20 points)
- Do you have hypertension? (20 points)
- Do you have high cholesterol? (20 points)
- Do you have diabetes? (20 points)
- Are you overweight with a “spare tire” around your waist? (20 points)
If you scored 50 or higher, these symptoms may be the result of an inadequate testosterone level. Ignore the “normal range” for testosterone levels on the lab result (even if your doctor uses it) and instead use the ranges we supply.
Chapter 9 of BSAN will teach you how to address testosterone deficiency.

Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D. is one of the world's leading integrative medical authorities on fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. He is the lead author of eight research studies on their effective treatments, and has published numerous health & wellness books, including the bestseller on fibromyalgia From Fatigued to Fantastic! and The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution. His newest book (June 10, 2024) is You Can Heal From Long COVID. Dr. Teitelbaum is one of the most frequently quoted fibromyalgia experts in the world and appears often as a guest on news and talk shows nationwide including Good Morning America, The Dr. Oz Show, Oprah & Friends, CNN, and Fox News Health.