Nutrition Intensive Care in CFS & Fibromyalgia
Optimizing nutrition is critical to optimal energy production, and it doesn't have to be difficult. Most people with CFS/FMS find that they feel best with a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. In this part 16 of my series "Fatigue & Fibromyalgia Are Optional," I discuss considerations in nutrition that are of special importance to people with CFS and fibromyalgia.
In fact, simply combining the Energy Revitalization System™, Smart Energy System™, and HRG80™ Red Ginseng frequently more than doubles peoples energy and stamina!
BFF Summary
- Begin with the Energy Revitalization System™ and the Smart Energy System™. This vitamin powder drink mix combined with S.H.I.N.E.® D-Ribose and a proprietary blend Smart Energy Capsule can give outstanding nutritional support and may as much as double energy after just one month. In our recently completed study of the Smart Energy System, stamina increased an average of 80.7%. .
- Most people with CFS/FMS do best with a high salt and protein intake and avoiding sugar. Beyond that, eat the diet that leaves you feeling the best, while keeping it fairly whole and healthy. Many find a ketogenic diet improves symptoms.
- Take HRG80 Red Ginseng chewable tablets. In our recently published study, this helped 60% of cases with an average 67% increase in energy.
- If you live outside the US, take Recovery Factors®. This unique nutritional support supplement has resulted in dramatic benefits, usually seen in one to two weeks. Read what users have said about it. (Note: Alhough it's available everywhere else in the world, it isn't yet available in the United States. However, you can put your name on a list at their website to be notified when it is.)
- For four to six months, consider adding 100 milligrams of a unique chewable 100 mg coenzyme Q10 a day, equivalent in effect to about 800 mg of other CoQ10's. For omega-3 support, I personally also take one capsule of Vectomega® a day. I add iron if the ferritin blood test is under 60.
- A subset of people feel markedly better on a gluten-free and dairy-free diet. I usually don’t begin with this because it is a nuisance for people to do, but it can make it a big difference. Classically Trained Chef and Holistic Nutrition Coach Lauren Hoover-West, has a website that can guide you on how to do this while still enjoying your food.
- Genetic testing for methylation is not very reliable, and most healthy people test positive. A guest article by Dr. Neil Nathan (included in my book) discusses how to tell if you have methylation issues and how to address them.
- B12 shots (tiny needles, like insulin syringes) in the form of hydroxocobalamin, given in 3,000-microgram (3-milligram) doses a few times a week, can result in dramatic improvement for a significant number of people. After fifteen doses, sometimes just giving yourself the injection once a month is enough to maintain its benefit.
From My New Edition of From Fatigued to Fantastic
To remind you, BFFs (Brain Fog Friendly Summaries) are just the short summaries I include at the beginning of each chapter in my newest edition of From Fatigued to Fantastic. I added these to my new edition to help readers with brain fog quickly get the main points of a topic. Then, as able and interested, they can dive into each topic to get far more detail. I invite you to get the book. It will rock your world!

Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D. is one of the world's leading integrative medical authorities on fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. He is the lead author of eight research studies on their effective treatments, and has published numerous health & wellness books, including the bestseller on fibromyalgia From Fatigued to Fantastic! and The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution. His newest book (June 10, 2024) is You Can Heal From Long COVID. Dr. Teitelbaum is one of the most frequently quoted fibromyalgia experts in the world and appears often as a guest on news and talk shows nationwide including Good Morning America, The Dr. Oz Show, Oprah & Friends, CNN, and Fox News Health.