The Vitamin Powder Is Back, New & Improved!
WOO HOO!!! The Vitamin Powder Is Back and Available for Preorders :-)
This is really good news, and we are sooo excited!
Many of you remember and miss the Energy Revitalization System™ vitamin powder. When the company that had been making it changed its business focus to more mass-market, they decided to discontinue it. They did so because of how complex and expensive it was to make this incredibly powerful product.
I can't even begin to count the number of emails and messages I received from people who said that the powder was the only thing that had allowed them to function.
So I decided I had to do something. Already knowing a company that has the best quality and who put people first, I asked my friend, Terry Lemerond, (think Terry Naturally® and EuroPharma) if he was interested in getting together to recreate this important product, and he said yes!
The best multivitamin in the world is back! You can preorder today!
How to Begin Supplementation
People routinely ask which supplement they should begin with. My answer? Lay a powerful foundation for healing with a high potency multivitamin, multimineral multi nutrient mix. For a while, this took dozens of pills. But not anymore.
The new Energy Revitalization Drink Mix has now been released and we are accepting orders. So I invite you to Order Now.
What’s New in This Vitamin Powder?
Given the opportunity to make it better, I did:
- I removed the whey protein, as the benefit was minimal, and a lot of people have milk sensitivity.
- Some people were having gas or loose stools. So I cut out the ingredients that caused a laxative effect with a minimal benefit. That included inositol, mannitol, erythritol and inulin.
- We have been able to dramatically upgrade many of the nutrients used, switching to forms that are more effective and better absorbed. Examples include using the P5P (pyridoxal 5 phosphate) form of vitamin B6; TRAACS forms of minerals to dramatically enhance absorption; adding mixed tocopherols for Vitamin E; and the MK7 form of vitamin K2.
We have been able to markedly improve the product, improving the benefits and potency while cutting the volume of the powder by about 70% — so the tub is now 1/3 the size, while still providing a 30-60 day supply! Your digestion will appreciate this :-)
What Is (Happily) Gone?
We have removed the dairy/whey. As the label says, “No sugar, salt, wheat, gluten, soy, dairy products, artificial coloring, artificial flavoring, or artificial preservatives.” So more powerful and stomach/sensitivity friendly nutritional support in a much smaller streamlined volume.
More good news? I know for many of you, finances are very tight. This is a challenge with inflation and increased production costs. So, I designed the powder so that anywhere from one half to one scoop a day is plenty. At one half scoop, a container is a two-month supply. Keeping the cost as low as $0.85 a day.
The Energy Revitalization Drink Mix Powder is available in a one to two month supply (1/2-1 scoop/day), or in 12 packs of individual dose pouches. One drink can replace your multivitamin and numerous other supplement tablets.
What Is in the Powder?
What I believe are the 30 key nutrients everyone needs. It goes far beyond vitamins, minerals, and key amino acids. It includes NAC for glutathione production, malic acid for energy, choline for mental clarity, trimethyl glycine (betaine), and 5 MTHF to enhance methylation.
I am so glad the powder is back. And you can quote me on this one :-)
"The Energy Revitalization Drink Mix is the supplement that pretty much everyone should start with. The 'bang for the buck' is tremendous!"
— Jacob Teitelbaum MD

Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D. is one of the world's leading integrative medical authorities on fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. He is the lead author of eight research studies on their effective treatments, and has published numerous health & wellness books, including the bestseller on fibromyalgia From Fatigued to Fantastic! and The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution. His newest book (June 10, 2024) is You Can Heal From Long COVID. Dr. Teitelbaum is one of the most frequently quoted fibromyalgia experts in the world and appears often as a guest on news and talk shows nationwide including Good Morning America, The Dr. Oz Show, Oprah & Friends, CNN, and Fox News Health.