Find a CFS/FMS Support Group

Fill in your search criteria below to search for a support group in your area. Click on the name in the search results for a complete profile of the support group. (Note: We do not ensure that this information is current. If you have a support group you would like to add, or if you are currently listed here but need to make a change in your information, please contact us.)

Name Full Name Organization City Statesort descending
James Heffley, PhD James Heffley, PhD Elgin Texas
Teri Thompson Teri Thompson Lubbock Texas
FM Support Group Linda Schuchmann or Cheryl Preece FM Support Group Temple Texas
West Texas Living with CFIDS/FM Linda Hagler West Texas Living with CFIDS/FM Midland Texas
Melodie Meissner Melodie Meissner Nevada Texas
Sue Hanks Sue Hanks Groves Texas
Barbara Christman, FNP Barbara Christman, FNP Austin Texas
Marti Stone Gibson Marti Stone Gibson Alamo Texas
Tyler Area Fibromyalgia Support Group Debby Nicholson Tyler Area Fibromyalgia Support Group Tyler Texas
Craig Dunn Clark Craig Dunn Clark Houston Texas
Elizabeth Shirley, RPH. CCN Elizabeth Shirley, RPH. CCN Austin Texas
Belynda Lewis Belynda Lewis Austin Texas
Doris Klaus Doris Klaus Alleyton Texas
Bateman Horne Center Carol Arnoson Bateman Horne Center Salt Lake City Utah
Donna Mangum/Jenny Peterson Donna Mangum/Jenny Peterson Dixie FMS/Arthritis Support Gr. Ivins Utah
Arthritis Foundation Arthritis Foundation Salt Lake City Utah
Bill Guinan Bill Guinan Riverton Utah
Beverly McNeil Beverly McNeil Murray Utah
WRW Associates Wendy Wilson WRW Associates Centreville Virginia
YMCA FMS Support Group Mary Henrich YMCA FMS Support Group Petersburg Virginia
DeAnna Trail, MD DeAnna Trail, MD Williamsburg, Va Fibromyalgia Support Group Williamsburg Virginia
Connie Ilich Connie Ilich Arhtritis Foundation Virginia Richmond Virginia
FMS Support Group of Reston Rhonda Raters FMS Support Group of Reston Purcellville Virginia
Mt. Ctr. Behav. Med., Chronic Pain Support Group Anne-Marie Deutsch Mt. Ctr. Behav. Med., Chronic Pain Support Group Mc Lean Virginia
National Chronic Pain Outreach Assoc. National Chronic Pain Outreach Assoc. Millboro Virginia
Harriette Gordon Harriette Gordon FMS Support group Radford Radford Virginia
FMS/CFS Support Group Lee Schulman FMS/CFS Support Group Midlothian Virginia
CFS-VA Cinda Crawford CFS-VA Roanoke Virginia
Jaime Spiegel Jaime Spiegel Virginia Beach Pain-Pals Virginia Beach Virginia
Debbie Castrinos Debbie Castrinos Therapeutic Massage Fort Lee Virginia
Buena Vista Lyme and Fibromyalgia Support Group Buena Vista Lyme and Fibromyalgia Support Group Buena Vista Virginia
Portsmouth VA FM/CFIDS Support Group Cindy Brining Portsmouth VA FM/CFIDS Support Group Portsmouth Virginia
Sally Price Sally Price VA Peninsula Chronic Pain S.G. Newport news Virginia
Fibromyalgia Fight Club: Book Club and Support Group Nancy Ryan Fibromyalgia Fight Club: Book Club and Support Group Arlington Virginia
Northern VA CFS/FMS Support Group Elly Brosius Northern VA CFS/FMS Support Group Centreville Virginia
Shanon McQuown Shanon McQuown Fredericksburg Area CFS/FM C.A.R.E. Group Stafford Virginia
Vienna-Fairfax Fibromyalgia Support Group Jane Roth Vienna-Fairfax Fibromyalgia Support Group Vienna Virginia
Fredericksburg Fibromyalgia Support Group Ginny Chilton Fredericksburg Fibromyalgia Support Group Fredericksburg Virginia
Central Virginia CFS/FM Support Group Central Virginia CFS/FM Support Group Charlottesville Virginia
Fibromyalgia Support Zella Davis Fibromyalgia Support Chester Virginia
CFS Support Group Cindy Falconer or Shirley Cobb CFS Support Group Harrisonburg Virginia
Farmville VA Area FM/CFIDS Meetings Kay Benton Farmville VA Area FM/CFIDS Meetings Farmville Virginia
Ellsworth Clinic, Chester FM Support Group Donna Colburn Ellsworth Clinic, Chester FM Support Group Chester Vermont
Fibromyalgia/Arthritis Support Group Lynn Brown Fibromyalgia/Arthritis Support Group Rutland Vermont
TriCities FMS/CFIDS Support Gr. Joretta Heath or Judith Wright TriCities FMS/CFIDS Support Gr. Richland Washington
Tacoma CFIDS Support Group Billie Linnell Tacoma CFIDS Support Group Tacoma Washington
Eastside CFS Support Group Eastside CFS Support Group Snohomish Washington
Sharon Olsen Sharon Olsen Arthritis/FMS Support & Edu Grp. Kirkland Washington
Edmonds County FSG Edmonds County FSG Edmonds Washington
