Find a CFS/FMS Support Group

Fill in your search criteria below to search for a support group in your area. Click on the name in the search results for a complete profile of the support group. (Note: We do not ensure that this information is current. If you have a support group you would like to add, or if you are currently listed here but need to make a change in your information, please contact us.)

Name Full Name Organizationsort descending City State
Nebraska City FMS Support Group Connie Mahanes Nebraska City FMS Support Group Nebraska City Nebraska
Neurological Center Att: CFIDS Group Leader Neurological Center Richland Washington
Judi Jech Judi Jech Neurological Center Richland Washington
Nevada City CFIDS/FM Support Group Leann Black Nevada City CFIDS/FM Support Group Nevada City California
New Jersey CFS /FM Center New Jersey CFS /FM Center Newark New Jersey
New Vistas Independent Living Center - Santa Fe CFIDS Maya Goldberg New Vistas Independent Living Center - Santa Fe CFIDS Sante Fe New Mexico
New Westside Fibromyalgia Support Group Anne Mosbergen New Westside Fibromyalgia Support Group Los Angeles California
Lynne Matallana Lynne Matallana NFAC Orange California
NFAC Nancy Derby NFAC San Diego California
Rae Gleason/Lana Lediaev Rae Gleason/Lana Lediaev NFRA Salem Oregon
NH CFIDS Association Pauline Quiet NH CFIDS Association Manchester New Hampshire
NJCFSA NJCFSA Florham Park New Jersey
No. Coast San Diego CFIDS/FM Support Group Meghan Shannon No. Coast San Diego CFIDS/FM Support Group Cardiff By The Sea California
No.Country Regional Hosp.- Rehab Dept. Marlene Stenlund No.Country Regional Hosp.- Rehab Dept. Bemidji Minnesota
Jessica Zoe Ferree Jessica Zoe Ferree none Stoddard Wisconsin
North Coast FMS Support Group Jean Sanders North Coast FMS Support Group Crescent City California
North Country Fibromyalgia Support Group Laurie Klontz North Country Fibromyalgia Support Group Cocolalla Idaho
North Little Rock FMS Support Group Kathy Olson North Little Rock FMS Support Group Sherwood Arkansas
Shelley Echtle Shelley Echtle North Texas Fibromyalgia Meetup & Support Group Forney Texas
Shelley Stein Shelley Stein North Texas Fibromyalgia Support Group Dallas Texas
Northcoast Lupus & Fibromyalgia Support Group Carolyn or Jerry Glein Northcoast Lupus & Fibromyalgia Support Group Jefferson Oregon
Northeast Atlanta CFIDS Support Group Wilhelmina Jenkins Northeast Atlanta CFIDS Support Group Atlanta Georgia
Northeast Detroit Chapter of CFIDS Debbie Hormel Northeast Detroit Chapter of CFIDS Clinton Township Michigan
Northern California FM/CFS Support Group Janine Loftis Northern California FM/CFS Support Group Sacramento California
Northern VA CFS/FMS Support Group Elly Brosius Northern VA CFS/FMS Support Group Centreville Virginia
Northwest CFIDS Association Renee Wilkins Northwest CFIDS Association Bonney Lake Washington
Northwest Kansas FMS/Arthritis Dr. Villarante Northwest Kansas FMS/Arthritis Hays Kansas
Nothern MD/Delaware Support Group Eileen Viars Nothern MD/Delaware Support Group Elkton Maryland
NW LA FMS/CFS Support Group Leah Volentine NW LA FMS/CFS Support Group Shreveport Louisiana
NW Suburban Fibromyalgia Support Group Jill Reuschel NW Suburban Fibromyalgia Support Group Arlington Heights Illinois
NY CFS Association NY CFS Association NEW YORK New York
Cheryl Gwin/Liz Fish Cheryl Gwin/Liz Fish Oklahoma United Chronic Pain Inc Tulso Oklahoma
Oregon Fibromyalgia Foundation Oregon Fibromyalgia Foundation Portland Oregon
Elaine Williams Elaine Williams Owensboro Fibromyalgia S.G. Owensboro Kentucky
P.E.A.S. Postitive Attitude Cheri Ann Fulsher P.E.A.S. Postitive Attitude Negaunee Michigan
Gwenn Herman, LCSW-C, DCSW Gwenn Herman, LCSW-C, DCSW Pain Connection-Chronic Pain Outreach Center, Inc. Potomac Maryland
Elizabeth Sutton Elizabeth Sutton Pain Relief for FMS shelbyville Tennessee
Palm Bay Hospital, Health First - Fibro Friends Christy Jones or Sheri Becker Palm Bay Hospital, Health First - Fibro Friends Palm Bay Florida
renee gelfond renee gelfond Pandora Boca Raton Florida
Parish Medical Center People Development Tammy Andre Parish Medical Center People Development Titusville Florida
Pascack Valley Hospital, FMS Support Group Judy Fringuello Pascack Valley Hospital, FMS Support Group Westwood New Jersey
Pat Oreilly Pat Oreilly Pat Oreilly Rio Nido California
Peachtree Cty FMS/CFS Support Group Sue Raulerson Peachtree Cty FMS/CFS Support Group Peachtree City Georgia
Pella Regional Hospital Kristy Fopma Pella Regional Hospital Pella Iowa
Permian Basin FMS/CFIDS Alliance Nancy Geers, OTR, CHT Permian Basin FMS/CFIDS Alliance Midland Texas
Cheryl Vanmeter Cheryl Vanmeter Petersburg FMS Group Cabins West Virginia
PFAU-CFS Jean PFAU-CFS Lolo Montana
Phoenix Area Fibromyalgia Recovery Group Brenda Frandsen Phoenix Area Fibromyalgia Recovery Group Mesa Arizona
