Find a CFS/FMS Support Group

Fill in your search criteria below to search for a support group in your area. Click on the name in the search results for a complete profile of the support group. (Note: We do not ensure that this information is current. If you have a support group you would like to add, or if you are currently listed here but need to make a change in your information, please contact us.)

Name Full Name Organization City Statesort ascending
Susan Parker Leigh, M. Ed., CCN Susan Parker Leigh, M. Ed., CCN Beaumont Texas
Carla Moss Carla Moss Joshua Texas
Dallas Health South Out-Patient Coordinator Kirk Brackin Dallas Health South Out-Patient Coordinator Dallas Texas
Burlington Wellness Center Cheryl Wendland Burlington Wellness Center San Angelo Texas
Robin Allen Robin Allen Plano Texas
Bene Cadwell Bene Cadwell Tomball Texas
Theresa Zumwalt Theresa Zumwalt Tyler Texas
James Rockwood, PC James Rockwood, PC Richardson Texas
Elfriede Ortiz Elfriede Ortiz Benbrook Texas
Nola Thacker Nola Thacker Austin Texas
Sandra Sprester Sandra Sprester Tolar Texas
Hopekeepers: A Chronic Pain/Illness Support Foundation Ron Majors Hopekeepers: A Chronic Pain/Illness Support Foundation Abilene Texas
Rachel Lebowitz Rachel Lebowitz Corpus Christi Texas
Bodytherapy Jill Mclaughlin-Allen RMT Bodytherapy Houston Texas
Plano Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Support Group Stacy Donaldson Plano Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Support Group Plano Texas
Snowden-Thomas Clinic Patrick Thomas, DC Snowden-Thomas Clinic Corpus Christi Texas
Thelma Suzy Marquis Thelma Suzy Marquis Austin Texas
Marilyn Bromley Marilyn Bromley Irving Texas
Brenda Gormley Brenda Gormley Lewisville Texas
Arthritis Foundation Dawn White Arthritis Foundation San Antonio Texas
Integrated Center for Oriental Medicine Dr. Iva Lim Peck Integrated Center for Oriental Medicine Plano Texas
Dallas FM Support Group Judith Rosen Dallas FM Support Group Dallas Texas
Arthritis Foundation of S.Texas Arthritis Foundation of S.Texas Houston Texas
Teri Thompson Teri Thompson Lubbock Texas
San Antonio CFS Support Group Kathryn Stephens San Antonio CFS Support Group San Antonio Texas Suzy Folgout Huntington Texas
Arthritis Foundation Rachel Martinez Arthritis Foundation Woodway Texas
James Heffley, PhD James Heffley, PhD Elgin Texas
Melodie Meissner Melodie Meissner Nevada Texas
CFIDS/FMS of Southeast Texas Carol Wade Fore CFIDS/FMS of Southeast Texas Beaumont Texas
Mary Ruth Grose Mary Ruth Grose Temple Texas
Marti Stone Gibson Marti Stone Gibson Alamo Texas
Tyler Area Fibromyalgia Support Group Debby Nicholson Tyler Area Fibromyalgia Support Group Tyler Texas
Doris Klaus Doris Klaus Alleyton Texas
Gloria Cunningham Gloria Cunningham Keller Texas
Elizabeth Shirley, RPH. CCN Elizabeth Shirley, RPH. CCN Austin Texas
Belynda Lewis Belynda Lewis Austin Texas
Houston CFIDS Support Group Brenda Radliff Houston CFIDS Support Group Spring Texas
Amarillo/Panhandle Areas Karen Berg Amarillo/Panhandle Areas Borger Texas
CFS & FM Support Group of Texarkana Cathy Fowler CFS & FM Support Group of Texarkana Hooks Texas
Mellisa Burcham Mellisa Burcham Irving Texas
McKenna FM Support Group Jennifer Burgin McKenna FM Support Group New Braunfels Texas
FMS/CFS/Arhtritis S. G. of Lexington Elaine or Verna Kluge FMS/CFS/Arhtritis S. G. of Lexington Lexington Texas
Deloris Betsinger Deloris Betsinger Fort Worth Texas
FMS Support Group- Goliad & Victoria Pamela Reilly or Judy Lenamon FMS Support Group- Goliad & Victoria Goliad Texas
took over for Anitha Susan Dyer took over for Anitha Corpus Christi Texas
Glenda Miller Glenda Miller College Station Texas
Tyler Area Fibromyalgia Support Group Bonnie Scott or Billie Garmon Tyler Area Fibromyalgia Support Group Tyler Texas
Linda Wallace Linda Wallace Trinity Texas
Flower Mound FM Support Group Margaret and Howard Hersh Flower Mound FM Support Group Flower Mound Texas
