Artichokes Lower Cholesterol
In this study, 1,280 mg of artichoke leaf extract lowered cholesterol levels by ~ 4-6 % (~ 13 points if one has a cholesterol of 250) relative to placebo after 3 months of use. Add artichokes to your menu along with oats and garlic. Artichoke leaf extract is also one of many components of an herbal supplement that helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels. I invite you to read my overview of how to address high cholesterol.
"Artichoke leaf extract (Cynara scolymus) reduces plasma cholesterol in otherwise healthy hypercholesterolemic adults: A randomized, double blind placebo controlled trial," Bundy R, Simpson HC, et al, Phytomedicine, 2008 Apr 16;

Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D. is one of the world's leading integrative medical authorities on fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. He is the lead author of eight research studies on their effective treatments, and has published numerous health & wellness books, including the bestseller on fibromyalgia From Fatigued to Fantastic! and The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution. His newest book (June 10, 2024) is You Can Heal From Long COVID. Dr. Teitelbaum is one of the most frequently quoted fibromyalgia experts in the world and appears often as a guest on news and talk shows nationwide including Good Morning America, The Dr. Oz Show, Oprah & Friends, CNN, and Fox News Health.