Find a CFS/FMS Support Group

Fill in your search criteria below to search for a support group in your area. Click on the name in the search results for a complete profile of the support group. (Note: We do not ensure that this information is current. If you have a support group you would like to add, or if you are currently listed here but need to make a change in your information, please contact us.)

Name Full Name Organization City Statesort descending
CFIDS Support Anne Johnson CFIDS Support Summersville West Virginia
Wheeling CFS/FMS Support Group Mary Lou Nelson Wheeling CFS/FMS Support Group Wheeling West Virginia
Michelle Kosa Michelle Kosa FamilyCare Fibromyalgia Self-Help Group Scott Depot` West Virginia
Clarksburg Area CFIDS/FM Support group Joyce Stout Clarksburg Area CFIDS/FM Support group Salem West Virginia
IFREE, Inc. Debbie Hypes IFREE, Inc. Mount Nebo West Virginia
WYOGAL WYOGAL ME/CFS Rock Springs Wyoming
