Find a CFS/FMS Support Group

Fill in your search criteria below to search for a support group in your area. Click on the name in the search results for a complete profile of the support group. (Note: We do not ensure that this information is current. If you have a support group you would like to add, or if you are currently listed here but need to make a change in your information, please contact us.)

Name Full Name Organization City Statesort ascending
Denise Guslea Denise Guslea Arthritis Found. Central NY Syracuse New York
NY CFS Association NY CFS Association NEW YORK New York
Joanne Insull Joanne Insull Arhtritis Found. Genessee Valley Rochester New York
Annette Murphy Annette Murphy Johnson City New York
Mary Haas Mary Haas Fibromyalgia support group lynbrook New York
Sandra Hill Sandra Hill New York New York
Sharon Kozyra Sharon Kozyra East Amherst New York
Fibromyalgia Resources Group Betsy Jaconson Fibromyalgia Resources Group Brewster New York
ME/CFS Advocates of Rochester ME/CFS Advocates of Rochester Rochester New York
Wounds Without Scars-Chronic Pain Support Group Lori Montmoran Wounds Without Scars-Chronic Pain Support Group Jordan New York
Susan Taigman Susan Taigman NEW YORK New York
James Weir James Weir WEST ISLIP New York
CFIDS/FMS Support Group of Staten Island New York Jeeney Captain CFIDS/FMS Support Group of Staten Island New York Staten Island New York
susan wolfson susan wolfson ny New York
CFIDS/FMS Support Group of Long Island James Weir CFIDS/FMS Support Group of Long Island Hicksville New York
Fibromyalgia Support Group Agnes Welch Welch Fibromyalgia Support Group Albany New York
M. Horowitz M. Horowitz NEW YORK New York
CFIDS/FMS Support Group Kathy Murphy CFIDS/FMS Support Group Pearl River New York
Sharon B Maine Sharon B Maine West Edmeston New York
L. Elizabeth Ulrop L. Elizabeth Ulrop Fibromyalgia Self Management Network Avon New York
Arthritis Foundation John Keenan Arthritis Foundation Albany New York
Wyoming County Hlth Care System FM Support Group Rhonda Howard Wyoming County Hlth Care System FM Support Group Warsaw New York
Deborah Thompson Deborah Thompson Baldwinsville New York
Las Vegas FMS/CFS Support Group Cynthia Or Diane Ortiz Las Vegas FMS/CFS Support Group Las Vegas Nevada
FMS/CFS Friends Support Group Patti Wright FMS/CFS Friends Support Group Henderson Nevada
FMS/CFS Friends Support Group Sheryl Brewer FMS/CFS Friends Support Group Las Vegas Nevada
Las Vegas FMS/CFIDS Support Group Lois Davidson Las Vegas FMS/CFIDS Support Group Las Vegas Nevada
Stephanie Vincenti Stephanie Vincenti Las Cruces New Mexico
Judith Leonor Judith Leonor Rio Rancho New Mexico
Carolyn Earnest Carolyn Earnest Santa Fe New Mexico
CFIDS Chama Valley Robert Knox CFIDS Chama Valley Los Ojos New Mexico
National Center for Infectious Diseases Hilary Gwynn National Center for Infectious Diseases Sante Fe New Mexico
CFIDS Las Cruces Joanne Korsmo CFIDS Las Cruces Las Cruces New Mexico
Dr. Ann McCampbell Dr. Ann McCampbell Santa Fe New Mexico
Arthritis Foundation - New Mexico Arthritis Foundation - New Mexico Albuquerque New Mexico
New Vistas Independent Living Center - Santa Fe CFIDS Maya Goldberg New Vistas Independent Living Center - Santa Fe CFIDS Sante Fe New Mexico
CFIDS New Mexico, Inc. Support Network CFIDS New Mexico, Inc. Support Network Alburquerque New Mexico
Anne Marie Vidal Anne Marie Vidal Albuquerque New Mexico
Jodie Stewart Jodie Stewart FMGC Support Group Turnersville New Jersey
New Jersey CFS /FM Center New Jersey CFS /FM Center Newark New Jersey
NJCFSA NJCFSA Florham Park New Jersey
Amy Denekamp/Judy Fringuello Amy Denekamp/Judy Fringuello FMS Support Group Bergen County Westwood New Jersey
Ed Madara Ed Madara Saint Clare\\'s Hospital Dover New Jersey
Nancy Stuart Nancy Stuart Nancy Stuart RN, MA, EdS Short Hills New Jersey
Pascack Valley Hospital, FMS Support Group Judy Fringuello Pascack Valley Hospital, FMS Support Group Westwood New Jersey
Carolynne Butters Carolynne Butters Mendham New Jersey
St. Mary's Hospital FMS Support Group Maryann Aita St. Mary's Hospital FMS Support Group Passaic New Jersey
Tania Kanthal Tania Kanthal FMS Support Mercer & W. Monmouth New Jersey
FMS and CFS Support Group of South Jersey FMS and CFS Support Group of South Jersey FMS and CFS Support Group of South Jersey Berlin New Jersey
Susan Jaffe Susan Jaffe Arthritis Foundation NJ Iselin New Jersey
