Update on Recovery Factors Research, My New Book, & Online Events
Vitality101 Newsletter
Hello Reader,
This is an exciting time full of promise.
Update on Recovery Factors® Study
Study Phase 2 Has Begun
We have just launched phase 2 of our Recovery Factors® study. The effects so far have been nothing short of dramatic. On average, 60% of people show improvement with an average 69% increase in both overall well-being and energy, along with similarly remarkable improvements in sleep, cognition, pain, gut function, and mood.
Before I continue, let me apologize for the unavoidable delay in emailing the study invitations to the approximately 900 people who had wanted to be in the first study but couldn't be included (the delay was due to COVID-19 interrupting shipping from Europe). Those invitations just went out. We have room for 300 participants, and these will be the first 300 people who fill out the study questionnaire. So please check your email inbox and respond as soon as you can.
For those who don't make it into the phase 2 study, or would prefer to just take this unique nutritional support on their own, it is now available at the Recovery Factors website.
Shipping Delays Being Resolved
Some of you who ordered Recovery Factors may have experienced delayed shipping due to the same COVID-19 Europe issue I just touched on. It normally takes about 3 weeks to ship from Europe to the US plus as much is 2-3 weeks to clear customs. DHL unfortunately cancelled some of its shipping routes before delivering packages still in its procession. Instead of waiting for these to be returned, the company that makes the product sent out new shipments to any customers affected by this. So they are on the way.
Some of you who initially tried to order Recovery Factors may have had trouble accessing the website. There was so much demand for it that the site crashed! This has been fixed and the website is working well now, if you would like to order it :-) I think you will find it to be amazing!
New Studies Still to Come
I will be launching two more studies using other promising new approaches in the next six months! Stay tuned :-)
COVID-19 Might Lead to New FMS Research
There is evidence COVID-19 may be triggering postviral fibromyalgia in a large percent of cases. Though this isn't welcome news, it does bring the upside that we'll likely see a dramatic increase in research funding for fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.
There is good reason for optimism!
Dr. T's Newest Book: Real Cause Real Cure (Revised & Updated)
Wish you had an owner's manual for your body? Well here it is! The new edition of Real Cause Real Cure (from Bottom Line Press) will make you an expert on the care and maintenance of your body. It reviews key principles and explains how to address each of the most common health conditions people face. A must for people’s bookshelves. I think you'll love it!
Please also share this with others who like to combine the best of natural and standard medicine, focusing on natural options. It is available only by mail order from the publisher at Bottom Line Press.
Invitation to the "Superhuman Energy" Summit
When: July 13-19, 2020
Tired of waking up exhausted and having to drag yourself through the day? Join me for the Superhuman Energy Summit to help you overcome fatigue, improve immunity, recharge your brain and regain your vitality.
Summit host Ari Whitten became a health advocate after he contracted mononucleosis and his world was forever changed. He had always been a fit and healthy athlete. But a year after this infection, he became severely and chronically fatigued. The impact on his life inspired him to explore the science of energy, and to dedicate himself to helping people recover from chronic fatigue by teaching the science of human energy enhancement.
The Superhuman Energy Summit will teach you:
- Most common causes of fatigue
- Biohacks for Superhuman energy
- Hormone and immune system optimization
- Mindset and nutritional strategies
- Top 5 tips to boost brain health
- Detox protocols and supplements to maximize energy
- Power of spirituality, meditation and movement
- And so much more!
Take a look at the schedule of presenters (I'm scheduled for July 18). I hope you can join us!
Invitation to the "Crush Your Sugar Cravings" Summit
I'd like to introduce you one of my colleagues, Michelle Jolly. Michelle is a health coach dedicated to helping women reach the fullest potential of their lives.
Like too many Americans, Michelle grew up battling sugar addiction, relying only on will power to keep her sugar cravings in check. The struggle was made even tougher by the presense of treats that were always kept around the house. Her busy parents loved sweets and couldn't resist fast-prep meals like donuts for breakfast and McDonald's Happy Meals. Sweets were also rewards during family celebrations. Birthdays and other special occasions brought out cakes, pies and cookies. And Grandma always had a container of her homemade chocolate chip cookies and fudge ready for family visits.
When Michelle went off to college, her sweet tooth came with her. She couldn't resist cafeteria desserts and the pasta there (along with the sugary sauces) reminded her of home. When her "Freshman 15" weight gain showed up she finally realized that will power alone just wasn't enough to manage her sugar cravings and keep her healthy.
She decided to research what the experts had to say about controlling sugar cravings, and she learned a lot. She's now turned that information into a series of interviews she's conducted with over 20 health and wellness experts — each of whom have confronted and beaten their own sugar addiction, and have seen life changing results.
Michelle calls her online interview series the "Crush Your Sugar Cravings" summit. The series is free and you'll be able to watch one interview a day, including mine, online. Michelle has helped hundreds of clients using what you'll learn in these interviews, with most reporting better sleep, sharper focus, more energy, less anger issues, better digestion and more.
Here is what you'll learn from watching the Crush Your Sugar Cravings interviews:
- Why do we crave sugar anyway?
- How does sugar effect our blood sugar levels and contribute to diabetes?
- What are the first steps to take to reduce sugar?
- How do we eat healthy when family or friends aren't ready to make these changes?
- What are some healthy snacks you can have ready to prevent a food emergency?
- Is sugar and carb loading helpful for athletes since they can burn it off easily?
- How do I know if I'm addicted to sugar?
- What are strategies to make a healthy life easy?
- How should we handle "emotional eating"?
And there will be lots of FREE GIFTS from the experts!

Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D. is one of the world's leading integrative medical authorities on fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. He is the lead author of eight research studies on their effective treatments, and has published numerous health & wellness books, including the bestseller on fibromyalgia From Fatigued to Fantastic! and The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution. His newest book (June 10, 2024) is You Can Heal From Long COVID. Dr. Teitelbaum is one of the most frequently quoted fibromyalgia experts in the world and appears often as a guest on news and talk shows nationwide including Good Morning America, The Dr. Oz Show, Oprah & Friends, CNN, and Fox News Health.