The Fibromyalgia Puzzle – Another Piece Fits into Place

Published: November 5, 2018

Vitality101 Newsletter

Puzzle Pieces

Hello Reader,

More and more pieces of the fibromyalgia puzzle are coming together to give us a bigger picture, and this new one can help treatment in two major ways!

A recent study showed something we already knew. That serotonin (the "happiness molecule") is low in people with fibromyalgia. Not surprisingly, low serotonin is also associated with poor sleep, increased pain, and feeling blue.

Fortunately, raising serotonin is easy to do, and can be done without medications. Simply taking 5-HTP (200-400 mg at bedtime) can markedly improve mood, comfort, sleep, and even help weight loss. Many people find it helps them feel significantly better after just six weeks of use. That said, you should be careful if you try taking 5-HTP while also taking serotonin-raising antidepressants, such as Prozac. Though it happens only rarely, the combination can raise serotonin levels too high, which can cause anxiety-like symptoms. So if you are on antidepressants, limit your 5-HTP intake to 200 mg a day.

A Remarkable Observation

We already knew that serotonin is low in fibromyalgia, so this aspect of the study was nothing really new. But without knowing it the study authors shed light on a much more important and poorly understood area in treating fibromyalgia — the relevance of enlarged blood platelets in fibromyalgia.

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How to Get Pain Free (YouTube Interview)

The Lillian Mcdermott Radio Show

I made an appearance recently on The Lillian McDermott Radio Show (@LillianMcDermott'sRadioShow) to discuss pain management. I hope you find it interesting.

Watch on YouTube »

Large Nerve Involvement Found in Fibromyalgia

There are arguably more kinds of pain in fibromyalgia than in any other illness, with nerve pain being one of the seven most common types. We've known for years that involvement of the small nerve fibers (called "small fiber neuropathy") is common. Now a new study shows that involvement of the large nerves is also common in fibromyalgia.

Nerve health can be supported by taking lipoic acid (300 mg a day), magnesium (200 mg a day), and acetyl l-carnitine (1,000 mg twice a day). An excellent combination product that you can find online for this is called "Healthy Feet and Nerves" (by Terry Naturally®).

This Week's Specials

U.S. Army Tactic to Fall Asleep in 2 Minutes

Sleeping Soldier

Although the sleep disorder of CFS and fibromyalgia is much too severe for simple tricks like this to work themselves, it's surprising how helpful tips like these can be when added to the rest of the sleep regimen :-)

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Jacob Teitelbaum, MD

is one of the world's leading integrative medical authorities on fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. He is the lead author of eight research studies on their effective treatments, and has published numerous health & wellness books, including the bestseller on fibromyalgia From Fatigued to Fantastic! and The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution. His newest book (June 10, 2024) is You Can Heal From Long COVID. Dr. Teitelbaum is one of the most frequently quoted fibromyalgia experts in the world and appears often as a guest on news and talk shows nationwide including Good Morning America, The Dr. Oz Show, Oprah & Friends, CNN, and Fox News Health.

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