The Importance of the BEST CoQ10 in Fighting Fatigue

Published: June 12, 2024


In recent newsletters I've discussed the four key nutritional and herbal foundations of healthy energy. These are:

  1. HRG80™ Red Ginseng chewable tablets.
  2. Smart Energy System™, which combines ribose with a special blend of five critical herbs.
  3. The perfect multivitamin. Hint: That will be the Energy Revitalization System™ vitamin powder drink mix when it returns in just a few short months :-) Until then, I recommend Clinical Essentials® tablets as the next best thing.

Today I'll talk about the fourth key energy nutrient, coenzyme Q10, and the new trick that makes it eight times more powerful than before!

45% of people with very severe fatigue and discomfort have coenzyme Q10 blood levels in the lowest 2% of the population. And the lower it is, the worse the symptoms.

Using a new safe and well tolerated natural substance called "GammaSorb" can increase the absorption of coenzyme Q10 a dramatic 800% compared to standard CoQ10. So, taking a 100 mg chewable CoQ10 tablet can have the effect of 800 mg of a "standard" CoQ10 tablet. A powerful difference!

I recommend that everybody who currently takes CoQ10 switch from their current brand to the Terri Naturally 100 mg chewable CoQ10. The difference in its benefits is remarkable!

A Better Absorbing CoQ10 Means Better Energy

Coenzyme Q10 is a key energy nutrient. Research shows that 45% of people with the worst forms of fatigue and discomfort are also in the lowest 2% of the population for their blood coenzyme Q10 levels. And the lower the level, the worse their symptoms.

So, it was no surprise when a placebo-controlled study showed that supplementation helped!  Not only did it significantly improve energy, but also calmness, discomfort and mood.

The problem is that absorption of coenzyme Q10 is challenging, with only 5% usually being absorbed and the remaining 95% doing nothing. But by adding GammaSorb — a clinically studied, plant-based delivery system — this can increase by a dramatic eight fold. So a single 100 mg chewable CoQ10 tablet can be as effective as 800 mg of standard CoQ10 supplements.

As was the case when I first tried the HRG80™ chewable Red Ginseng (which also has the GammaSorb), I could feel my energy surge quickly. For most people, one month is enough to comfortably see the difference. And the benefit persists.

So now the Terry Naturally chewable 100 mg CoQ10 tablet with Gammasorb is the only one that I use and recommend. Try it — you’ll like it!

A Special Note on Statins

Most cholesterol-lowering drugs (called statins) deplete coenzyme Q10, and in my experience can cause and worsen fatigue and discomfort. So, if you are taking statins, I recommend you also take 100 milligrams a day of CoQ10. And I specifically recommend the Terry Naturally CoQ10 chewable tablets.

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD

is one of the world's leading integrative medical authorities on fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. He is the lead author of eight research studies on their effective treatments, and has published numerous health & wellness books, including the bestseller on fibromyalgia From Fatigued to Fantastic! and The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution. His newest book (June 10, 2024) is You Can Heal From Long COVID. Dr. Teitelbaum is one of the most frequently quoted fibromyalgia experts in the world and appears often as a guest on news and talk shows nationwide including Good Morning America, The Dr. Oz Show, Oprah & Friends, CNN, and Fox News Health.

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