Invitation to Participate in Phase 2 of Dr. Teitelbaum's Recovery Factors Study

Published: July 10, 2020

Recovery Factors Study

Hello, and thank you for your earlier interest in being part of Dr. Teitelbaum's CFS/fibromyalgia treatment study on Recovery Factors®. We are excited that the results of the first phase of the study is complete and we are getting ready to launch phase 2. We are sending this announcement again because some people did not get our first email on this. If you have already registered for the phase 2 study, please ignore this repeat email.

Please note that many people have asked to be in this phase 2 study, but we can only accept the first 300 who sign up. Sorry for our delay in sending out this announcement. We've been working to handle logistic issues caused by shipping delays from COVID-19.

Fortunately, the company that manufactures the Recovery Factors supplement has agreed to make it available to the public, so you can buy it here even if you don't make it into the study. Use discount code RFLAUNCH10 to get $10 off the $59.95 price.

Results from Phase 1

60% of those who participated in the study improved considerably! For that group, the average improvement was:

  • Energy 69%
  • Sleep 54%
  • Pain 38%
  • Overall well-being 69%
  • Cognition 60%
  • Anxiety 35%
  • Gut function 55%
  • Protective antibody levels (in a subgroup that did lab testing) went up an average of 14%.

Participants saw these improvements within a month of being on the supplement — usually within 10 days — and it was well tolerated. A few people had brief stomach upset or were over energized with the higher dose, and this responded well to simply lowering the dose.

These are incredibly remarkable results for a single nutrient! Participants were thrilled. You can read some of their comments here.

For information about the supplement, see About Recovery Factors and this FAQ page.

Qualifications to Be in the Study

  1. You need to have a diagnosis of CFS and/or fibromyalgia and be at least 18 years old.
  2. On a 0 to 10 scale, with zero being dead and 10 being healthy, we ask that you only sign up for the study if you rate yourself a five or less.
  3. If you are on the medication Coumadin, you cannot be in the study.

Participation Is Easy

You can easily participate in the study from the comfort of your home. And no blood testing is needed.

There are some recommended but optional dietary changes for the first few weeks. You can see these dosing and dietary recommendations at the Recovery Factors Dosing page. Please follow these directions once you receive the supplement in the mail.

For this phase of the study, the maker of Recovery Factors agreed to supply the 300 bottles for free, but not the shipping costs. So although participants do not have to pay the $59.95 product price, you will have to pay $20 shipping and handling fee.

There will be no placebo group. So everyone will be getting the active treatment. But sorry, we will not be able to give a free bottle to those completing this phase of the study as we did in phase 1 (we tried). But unlike many studies, the treatment will also still be available after the study is completed.

Below are the steps involved in the study:

  1. You fill out an online questionnaire (it takes about 15 minutes to complete). If you are not in the first 300 people requesting to be in the study, instead of the questionnaire, there will be a notice that the study is full.
  2. The questionnaire will only show if you are one of the first 300 people to enter the study. After you fill out the questionnaire, the final screen will show a coupon code discounting the Recovery Factors to just the $20 shipping and handling charge for the study (please copy this code so that you can paste it where indicated). Then click on the link on the final page of the questionnaire to supply your shipping and credit card information so the Recovery Factors can be sent to you. No blood testing is needed. The shipment is being sent from Europe, and shipping normally takes about 6-8 weeks now because of COVID-19 related shipping delays (it might take a bit longer depending on the time it takes to clear customs).
  3. After a five day loading dose (3 times a day), simply take four capsules twice a day for three weeks. Follow the dosing directions described at the Recovery Factors Recommended Dosing page and consider the diet recommendations given there for the first few days.
  4. You can continue any other treatments you may be on during the study, but please do not add any other unnecessary new treatments during the four weeks you are taking Recovery Factors.
  5. About 28 days into the study (when you have 4-8 pills left), we will send you an email asking you to fill out another 10-minute questionnaire.
  6. Please do not sign up for the study unless you also commit to filling out this post-study questionnaire. This doesn't mean that you can't stop the treatment early. We simply ask that you contact us if you have any problems so that we can help guide you through them (but you should fill out the final questionnaire regardless).

Sign up using this form. This questionnaire takes about 15 minutes to complete.

If you have any problems at all, we will be available to guide you through them. Simply email Sarah at

In case you can't tell, I am really really excited about this!!!

Love and blessings,

Dr. T

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD

is one of the world's leading integrative medical authorities on fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. He is the lead author of eight research studies on their effective treatments, and has published numerous health & wellness books, including the bestseller on fibromyalgia From Fatigued to Fantastic! and The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution. His newest book (June 10, 2024) is You Can Heal From Long COVID. Dr. Teitelbaum is one of the most frequently quoted fibromyalgia experts in the world and appears often as a guest on news and talk shows nationwide including Good Morning America, The Dr. Oz Show, Oprah & Friends, CNN, and Fox News Health.

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